
This website is purely run to market my abilities, talents and enable a platform for me to express my constructive opinions, particularly on the profession I have been trained for, and demonstrate my creative abilities and talents. 

I spend my own personal time, money and resources to run this website for the benefit of visitors by engaging with readers and the wider community online.

All opinions are solely my own and nobody else's. None of my opinions represent the views of any organisation, employer or anybody else that I represent at any time.


"@OfficialAnasSCO" represents my personal Twitter account.

"Made In Scotland For Scotland" is a simple description to emphasise the fact that I was born and educated in Scotland and that I want to establish myself in my home country for the benefit of this country.


I encourage comments and feedback from all visitors to my website. But I also have the right to remove any comments that could be defamatory, impolite or offensive.

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